miniature snow globe (2020)

in the fall of 2020, i was asked if i could create a miniature snow globe containing a "milk" carton and cinnamon rolls on a plate. Miniatures are right up my alley, so I jumped at the opportunity. after much shaping, painting, printing, cutting and glueing, the final piece was delivered to set, and filmed for a commercial. i was very pleased with the result, and keep a version on my desk as a keepsake


i had so much fun making these for a few years. they are hand cut and hand sewn, stuffed with a little cotton and then mounted in shadow boxes. since making the above designs, i have also done a few commissions - a cardinal and an owl - and kept a few out of frames as christmas tree ornaments.

Wee bean ornaments

in 2004, i was given the chance to sell in a christmas craft show, but i had no craft to sell. Shortly thereafter, I saw a counter in a shop with glass fronted drawers, filled with beans and seeds, and click! i loved the look of it, so i set to work making watchmakers case ornaments, using beens and seeds. 

i have gone through several designs, settling on some favourites, which include santa wearing a dried cranberry hat, a fennel tree topped with a copper star, and angel with sushi rice wings, snowmen with sesame snow, and a lump of coal on a mirror. all ornaments are finished with ribbon for hanging on a tree.

production is on hold while my son is wee and time is short, but who knows, i may take it up again in future. 


sometimes i'm just struck by the need to make something, whether by necessity, or just because i haven't made anything in a while. here are a few of those projects (including halloween costumes, which i now look forward to every year!).